Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Slow Boat to being (acceptably) Social

I got to have more cookies with Quinn . . . I GOT TO HAVE MORE COOKIES WITH QUINN!!!! Yup, still THAT excited!!! I can sit with him and snack away, no problem, but as soon as i start to sniff him, i just get overwhelmed by how much older and COOLER than me his is and I act like a bit of a knob. Foster Momma says it reminds her of a tween at a Justin Beiber sighting . . .uh, sure, pass the dried liver please?!

In light of my current fandemonium over the resident boy dog (Momma says it will get easier, better, that i will get used to seeing him, and have less questions, and that if i am CALMER, he will want to just chillax with me and explain the wisdom of an elderbull) phase 2 will be the Tie Down*.

The what?

Wait a sec, i'm STUCK . . .arrrrrooooooooo, waahhhhh, sqwuak, whine, squeeeeaaaalllllll, oooooOOOOhhhhhhOOOoooOOOO . . pay attention to meeeeeeeee, i can see youuuuuuuuuuu . . .

Hmmm, its not working . . . .

And i'm getting kind of tired of being ignored . . .

they are sitting on the couch, momma and Quinn and i can see them and they can see me . . .so unfair!
What if i lie down and look throughly unimpressed . . .(squeak squeeeeak . . .) . . . still stuck.

please note at this point foster momma tossed me some pieces of dried liver . . .hmmm, less yowling = more liver. got it!

I can give you the cold shoulder too you know . . .

I GIVE UP! But Momma said i did okay again, so much so that we will be doing this again . . . and again . . .

*More info on Tie Downs and how to install one: Tie Downs

(please note that once Eugene settled he was given calm rewards with praise and food. The idea is to expose him more to the other dogs, while keeping everyone safe and comfortable. He settled quickly, and enjoyed the better part of an hour hanging out with the other dogs and people!)

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